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Friday, November 13, 2009

Hairstyles with Bangs

Hairstyles with Bangs
Hairstyles with BangsThat's Beckham, Victoria has always been a trend setter. Victoria Beckham From being Posh Spice in Spice Girls to being Mrs. If anything, the androgynous look added to her appeal, and it made a lot of people wanted to try out the look. It didn't make her less gorgeous.

Katie Holmes Katie has always had long, flowing waves of dark hair ever since her career began, but people were a bit surprised when she shed off her hair to have a newspaper-boy hairstyle with short bangs. She is one of the celebrities who first had a short bob hairstyle with bangs straight cut. But most especially, the 19-year old singer sensation made her mark more because of the hairstyles she's had as much as, if not more than her songs. Rihanna Girls want to be her, and boys want to date her. They suddenly became trend setters in their own respect, and that's exactly why they're on the list.

Hairstyles with BangsNonetheless, there are a few celebrities who have become popular or more popular because of their hairstyles with bangs. But we've seen almost all celebrities try out different hairstyles that it's difficult to be surprised if they tried out something new. Suddenly, the girl-next-door with a flowing long black hairstyle with bangs and a short bob hairstyle with bangs look are the new "it" hairstyles, especially with celebrities. Hairstyles with bangs have become very popular in the recent years because of various reasons, the most noteworthy of which is the influence of Korean style, and the rebirth of The Bob hairstyle.