The woman was clear that she wanted to get rid of the dead ends but "leave as much as the length as possible". Her usual hairdresser was away so another girl filled in… it's just a simple trim, how bad can it be? One woman wanted exactly that: she had long layered hair, but the ends had become a bit "raggy". Unfortunately this doesn't always go to plan. On these occasions you would think it would be a simple case of just asking the hairdresser for a quick trip to chop off those split ends.
We've all had those times when we've been so busy we've neglected our hair and it is in desperate need of a good, simple tidy-up. Your confidence is shattered and you lose faith, not to mention the humiliation you may suffer because you now resemble a scare-crow! However when that dream hairstyle goes wrong what follows can be a nightmare with long-lasting affects. Whether it's a special occasion, a fresh start or you just fancied a change, having your hair styled is normally a quick and easy way of creating a new image for yourself and boosting your confidence.